For free: Start working in Germany? Get an overview of what’s most important for you to know!

Coaching for International Professionals Working In Germany


Level Up Your Career.

As an HR manager and intercultural coach I help you to arrive and to arise successfully in the German job market and working culture.

Benefit from a variety of cultural and corporational insights to use as an advantage for your succesful (working) life in Germany.

Got questions? I'm here to help you!

Annabell K.

Founder of Springboard

Your next step to success

Let's make it easy for you.

Check out the resources crafted for you directly out of HR expertise. As an international specialist you provide highly valuable skills for the German job market. Remove possible stumbling blocks caused by cultural differences and use springboard to bring your working life to the next level.

Make the most out of your expertise – for you, your family, and your life!

Job Application training

– free –


Learn what companies in Germany are looking for and how to succeed in collaborating with your boss, your colleagues and the HR departement with a close look on intercultural competences.

Basic E-Course: New in Germany

Get your Basic E-Course right away. It helps you to arrive in Germany, in the German culture and at work. The goal is to make your start as easy as possible. Use this course to your advantage as a head start to build up a marvelous career in Germany.

Small Group Coaching

In 4 sessions with 4 specialists in total not originated from Germany we talk through real life experiences, explanations and ideas how to deal with those smaller and bigger issues in an intercultural working environment and work on solutions for you personally.

First-Hand Insights

About me

I help international specialists and German companies to succeed together. Springboard provides resources for professional workers coming to Germany and People & Culture/HR departments.

As an intercultural coach and HR manager I give you full insights according German (working) culture, applications, career paths, personnel adminstration and much more.

I’m also here as a source for building a life in this country. Stay updated on my instagram and LinkedIn to benefit from it all.

Let’s get started and your career leveled up!

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